ECG presentation booklet
Concept & layout of a presentation booklet for the school ECG, which is divided into two parts "Mindset" and "Network" and can be read upside down from two sides. On 120 pages, the school, the school offer, the partnerships and testimonies are presented alongside interesting graphics, quotes and the new mascot - which accompanies the reader as a central element through the booklet.
Konzeptioun & Gestaltung vun enger Presentatiounsbroschür fir den ECG, déi an zwou Partien "Mindset" an "Network" gedeelt ass a vun zwou Säite ka gekuckt ginn (tête-bêche). Op 120 Säite gëtt d'Schoul, d'Offeren, d'Partnerschaften a flotten Temoignagë niewent interessante Grafiken, Citatiounen an dem neie Maskottche – den de Lieser als roude Fuedem duerch d'Broschür begleet – presentéiert.

Client: Ecole de commerce et de gestion (ECG) | 2022



