Illustration project for Sudenergie
Maybe some of you have already seen this Sudenergie advertisment on the Tice buses in the area of Esch. It’s a summer project from 2022 that makes me very happy, so it’s about time that I share it with you. When Sudenergie approached me, saying they needed an illustrative advertisement for the Tice biogas buses they supply, I felt immediately adressed. Illustration seemed to be the optimal medium for Sudenergie to visualize the complex topic of biogas in connection with them in an appealing way and the topic seemed to be the optimal project for me, as environmentally friendly projects are close to my heart.

Based on Sudenergie's existing corporate color palette, this illustrated advertisement was created with the slogan "Natierlech Gas ginn", a play on words that means "naturally step on the gas".

Client: Sudenergie | 2022


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